
Friday 24 June 2016

President Barack Obama Indicates Interest To Own An NBA Team ........

President Barack Obama is a huge basketball fan who roots for his hometown team Chicago Bulls and he doesn’t want to just be a fan anymore, he wants to own a team.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest, said via ESPN news services, Wednesday that the president, well known for being a big fan of Chicago sports teams, has “discussed” being part of an ownership group for an NBA franchise.
Earnest added that Obama would pursue the opportunity “potentially … under the right circumstances.”
The movie buff whose favorite series include Game of Thrones first made his interest public during an interview with Bill Simmons to do a Q&A for GQ Magazine  last year.

barack obama
Barack Obama wants his own team

The interview which covered a wide range of topics, from politics, to family, his smoking habits, favorite television shows, and sports led to POTUS admitting he doesn’t JUST want to be a well-known basketball junkie.
When Simmons asked the President of the United States if he ever wants to own an NBA team. The president’s reply was emphatic.
Bill Simmons : Would you ever want to be part of the ownership for an NBA team?
Barack Obama : Absolutely.
Bill Simmons : Would it have to be the Bulls, or would it have to be somebody else?
Barack Obama : Well, you know, I know [Jerry] Reinsdorf (Owner of Chicago Red Bulls) pretty good-he’s not giving that thing up anytime soon. But I have fantasized about being able to put together a team and how much fun that would be. I think it’d be terrific.

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